3. Occlusal Plane Analysis 리스트 > MEAWschool.com

11 (11P)
1) Occlusal planes used in general dentistry2) Types and characteristics of occlusal planes used for orthodontic diagnosis
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19 (19P)
1) Evaluation of Curve of Spee in Lateral ceph: Level, cant, and curvature2) U1 to lip line3) Upper occlusal plane (UOP)4) Posterior occlusal plane (POP)
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14 (14P)
1) Why is occlusal plane important? 2) Significance of Occlusal Plane Analysis3) Different occlusal planes according to various malocclusions
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16 (16P)
1) How does the occlusal plane originate?2) Characteristics of occlusal plane in high angle vs. low angle3) Factors affecting POP4) Mesial angulation of the lower mola
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20 (20P)
1) Effects of changes in POP2) Steep POP vs. Flat POP3) Maxillary POP vs. Mandibular POP
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15 (15P)
1) Alterations in the dental occlusion during growth and development2) Alterations in the vertical dimension and the cant of occlusal plane during growth and development3) Correlat…
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21 (21P)
1) Molar over eruption and occlusal plane change2) Counter-clockwise rotation vs. Clockwise rotation3) Changes in the occlusal plane: normal growth and development, orthodontic tre…
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17 (17P)
1) Various tooth movement methods to change occlusal plane2) Counter-clockwise rotation of UOP3) Counter-clockwise rotation of LOP4) Clockwise rotation of UOP5) Clockwise rotation …
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15 (15P)
1) Dr. Schudy Concept: OM angle2) Dr. Young H Kim Concept: Bisected occlusal plane3) Dr. Sadao Sato Concept: Maxillary POP
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19 (19P)
1) Various occlusal planes in terms of the UOP and POP 2) Individualized orthodontic treatment
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20 (20P)
1) Diagnostic thinking process according to occlusal plane analysis2) Vertical dimension, Upper incisor position, Upper occlusal plane, and Posterior occlusal plane
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17 (17P)
1) Antero-posterior positioning2) Lateral positioning3) Supero-inferior positioning4) Occlusal positioning5) Posterior vertical dimension
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16 (16P)
1) Genomic paradigm vs. functional paradigm2) Individualized orthodontic treatment 3) AB-maxillomandibular triangle4) MEAW diagnosis
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